As I finished my last forkful of lamb at Le Champignon Sauvage, I felt a pang: a brief flurry of what felt like…what? Sorrow? A moment, passing yet potent, of sadness that I might never taste lamb cooked so beautifully, so wonderfully, in Britain again? Ridiculous, no? Preposterous. Risible. I’d have thought so too. Until Read More
Bristol’s latest addition to its roll call of Michelin-starred restaurants is Paco Tapas. Some might think this is getting to the point where it constitutes showing off. In a sense, this is this blog coming full circle: parent restaurant Casamia was the first I ever wrote about. It has always held a special place in Read More
I do so love the word smashed’. It’s everywhere, from the roll-my-eyes-whenever-I-hear-it-near ‘avocado’ (is there some edict preventing it being crushed or mashed or bashed or pulverised just the once?) to the sub-moronic ‘bantz’ of hairy-handed dinosaurs and braying City boys. It’s enough to have your eyes rolling so hard you risk the structural integrity of your bony orbits. But it really is the word Read More
Amble down Whiteladies Road and round into Cotham Hill, and you pass more good places to eat than grace some whole cities. The lovely Bellita has been featured on this blog recently but grabbing headlines since it opened last year, has been Pasta Loco, which makes me overdue a visit. There’s no dreaded kids’ menu: they just Read More
Things didn’t go smoothly, exactly, at The Cauldron. They had managed to overlook the email I had sent them a couple of days before our arrival, so were unprepared for our little girl to accompany us. Consequently the available table was cramped, uncomfortably positioned, rickety and my back was at the mercy of a door Read More
Meandering country lanes? Check. Dog bowl on the floor? Check. ‘Bob’s eggs, £1’ from a few doors up, next to an honesty box on the bar? Check. A pre-starter of hot, sour lobster soup from a stock of real depth and character, punchy with Thai flavours? Homemade bread, homemade butter, a rich canary yellow? A Read More
This blog is a very simple thing.
I won’t try to sell you any hand lotion, exercise programmes, coffee syrups or Patagonian nose flutes. You won’t find tips on dating, ‘wellness’ or yoga mats.
I write because I love it (and food, as indicated by my increasing girth). Greed happens to be my Deadly Sin of choice, but at least it is never shy of providing me with subject matter.
A simple thing, then: all you get is me wittering on semi-coherently about places I’ve eaten at; hence a ‘restaurant blog’ rather than a ‘food blog’, although there are a few recipes scattered throughout.
From mezze to Michelin ‘fine dining’ and all points in between.